How much does it cost to run? Work out how much something costs to run.

This calculator works for any item, not just servers. Just fill in the fields below and click submit.

This works for any currency. Ignore the £ sign and use your own currency as if it were £'s.

You forgot to fill in the Total Wattage

'); } if($cost==""){ echo('You forgot to fill in the Electricity Cost

'); } if($hours==""){ echo('You forgot to fill in the Run Hours

'); } if($hours=="0"){ echo('Enter a value between 1 and 24

'); } if($hours > 24){ echo('Enter a value between 1 and 24

'); } $output = round((((($watts * $hours) / 1000) * $cost) / 100), 2); $outputweek = round(((((($watts * $hours) / 1000) * $cost) / 100) * 7), 2); $outputmonth = round(((((($watts * $hours) / 1000) * $cost) / 100) * 28), 2); $outputquart = round((((((($watts * $hours) / 1000) * $cost) / 100) * 7) * 12), 2); $outputyear = round((((((($watts * $hours) / 1000) * $cost) / 100) * 7) * 52), 2); echo('£'); echo($output); echo(" per ".$hours." hours
£"); echo($outputweek); echo(" per week for ".$hours." hours a day
£"); echo($outputmonth); echo(" per month (28 days) for ".$hours." hours a day
£"); echo($outputquart); echo(" per quarter (3 months) for ".$hours." hours a day
£"); echo($outputyear); echo(" per year for ".$hours." hours a day"); echo('

Total Wattage: watts (e.g. 100 watts)

Electricity Cost: pence per kWh (e.g. 7.4)

Run Hours: hours per day

'); } else{ echo('
Total Wattage: watts (e.g. 100 watts)

Electricity Cost: pence per kWh (e.g. 7.4)

Run Hours: hours per day

'); } ?>


Approximate Wattages (items listed in alphabetical order):

CRT Monitor: 120w
Desktop PC: 200w
External Hard Drive: 25w
Inkjet Printer: 50w
Lazer Printer: 1000w
Modem: 25w
Notebook PC: 80w
Router: 25w
TFT Monitor: 60w
USB Hub: 25w